Monthly Archives: June 2012

My Wife Must Love Me

She cross-stitched this for me *g*.

For Everyone

who ever tod me “They Might Be Giants” are nothing like “Moxy Fruvous” or “The Bare Naked Ladies” – wrong.


Johnny Cash Singing “Danny Boy”

For all that it’s a 20thc. set of lyrics for” Londonderry Air”, it’ s pretty enough and it’s Johnny Cash. ‘Nuf said.

I Swear That All Of These Do Not Apply To Me

This is entertaining.

If You’re Good Enough At Something, You Should Get Paid For It

Offered up without comment…

“10 States Debating Guns on Campus” – With Good Reason

Assaults on campuses continue to steadily rise. But we wouldn’t want people to be able to protect themselves, now would we.

For My Wife


It’s Not Arrogant If You Can Actually Do It

Impressive display.

OK, I Don’t Get It.

This whole “brony” thing. WTF? Who watches a show about colorful anthropomorphic horses?

Did you know that there are My Little Pony role-playing games? Seriously. RPG’s are bad enough on their own (yes, I hate,  I hate – get over it). Eh, I suppose there’s no accounting for taste. I probably shouldn’t talk as I once had a sizable collection of “Magic: The Gathering” cards (in my defense, that was a very long time ago) but I’m not going to let that stop me.

Now, I freely admit that my taste in television is pedestrian at best and often runs to the “seriously mindless entertainment”.  I also don’t like movies that don’t resolve all the plot points by then end; if I wanted ambiguity, suspense and and thought-provoking cliffhangers I’d reread “A Pair of Blue Eyes” or “The Handmaid’s Tale”.

Most animated television is just really, really annoying (“South Park” does not count, as that show is brilliant).  But anthropomorphic rainbow-colored ponies with cutesy names? *sigh*  You might as well watch “Dora the Explorer”. God, I hate that map.



Sometimes the simplest things are beyond us. Well, other people anyway *g*.

H/T to Kevin