Monthly Archives: June 2014

So, The New Job

is evidently good enough that I am looking at a question regarding a single transaction from 2012 that isn’t making sense.

From home, where I stayed because I had a migraine this morning, and I’m continuing to dig because it is entertaining and I kinda want to find the answer.

Yay me. Gainfully employed at something I enjoy, with a future. Could be worse ;-).

Hey! I Have A Blog!

or so it would seem…

Guffaw in AZ reminded me that I haven’t posted in months. It’s nice to know that someone noticed *g*, I just assumed that I would fade away quietly and no one would ever be the wiser. Got a new job this spring that keeps me busier, and happier, than I’ve been in a very long time. The downside of course is that I spend a great deal of time at work, or working on work things while not at work, or in Louisville for work (or Salt Lake, or Chicago, or DC). It’s good but there isn’t time to read everything in my reader, let alone come up with content good enough to justify typing out and assuming anyone wants to read 😉

Still and all, I should try – so try I will.