Monthly Archives: December 2011

It’s Funny Because It’s True, Part (I’ve Lost Count)

No – really.

I Used To Be An Occupy Protester Heckling Politicians, But Then I Took An Arrow In The Knee

Hilarity ensues. H/T to Mike

Somebody Call Robb Allen!

They’ve given him an entire month on this calendar.

It Wouldn’t Surprise Me

in the least if this were legitimate. Goodness knows I’ve met plenty of people whose ability to get out of bed, get dressed and go to work without dying a horrible death surprises the heck out of me. H/T to Peter.

Holster Question

Anyone use the Comp-Tac Paddle Holster? I have a decent Galco paddle for my carry, but it’s still not the most comfortable thing.

I also have good quality  OWB and IWB’s for my carry guns (including the Comp-Tac Minotaur, which I am very impressed with) but the nature of my work means that I can’t have a holster actually strapped on much of the time during the week so I need something easily removable, comfortable and with good retention.

I’ve heard good things about the draw speed from this Comp-Tac paddle but that mostly refers to the straight drop and I’d want the FBI cant.

Unlike Some People I Have a Heart, God Damn It

And because of that, A: I find these sorts of things adorable and B: If I ever catch you abusing one of these, or a kitten, or full-grown dog or cat I will take steps. Big steps. I like them better than I like you by a lot.

Who Doesn’t Want A Castle?

I know I do. I’d let The GodDaughter’s Father design the defense layers (he has some excellent ideas), each family would get a wing, and we would dwell in realtive peace. As long as everyone stayed away from me most of the time, that is, and nobody is foolish enough to try to come onto the grounds unrequested.

Why, you might ask, did this subject come up? Because I somehow managed until today to not run across this foul-mouthed ranting blogger whom I agree with about many things., and who is immediately going into my reader and blogroll.


Words To Live By

Via Weird and Pissed Off I found an excellent post on the right to self-defense.

The main gist of it is absolutely correct: if you are attacked, you have the right to defend yourself (NB: be aware of the laws in your state regarding appropriate levels of force and if there are any caveats such as a duty to retreat, etc. – not every state’s laws are as cut and dried as Arizona’s). If you started the altercation, not so much.

This is something I find bleeds over into almost every encounter I have with other people. If you (or, far more likely, they – I am the soul of tolerance and politeness) don’t make a deliberate effort to be difficult, rude, pushy, belligerent, etc., chances are the interaction will go smoothly and pleasantly. Or as Will Smith said in Men in Black, “”Don’t start nothin’. Won’t be nothin’.”  Let’s face it, people bring most of their troubles on themselves.


Wed. evening – roast beef with a garlic/kosher salt crust, homemade spaetzle, port wine gravy.

Thurs. evening – homemade individual Beef Wellingtons, homemade mashed potatoes, port wine demi-glace gravy. Christmas cookies for dessert.

Tonight – prime grade standing rib roast with a garlic/pepper rub, more homemade mashed potatoes, similar gravy. Homemade cheesecake for dessert.


Life is good.


I like it.

And evidently my wife loves me *g*. Not only did she make a trip to Bass Pro (not her natural environment), but she got me one of these just ‘cuz.