Monthly Archives: September 2011

Well, Dammit

My friend Joe up and died on us last night. Never saw anything coming – he seemed the healthiest of us all. A bunch of us had dinner on Sunday and he was perfectly fine.

I’m kinda pissed and everyone is having a bad day. He was one of the better people I know, and he’ll be sorely missed.

Mother of God

When I saw this picture I knew IMMEDIATELY what it was referencing.



I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.


Meghan McCain…

…writes another political article; still fails to be relevant in any way whatsoever.

The Last Day of Summer

was 9/23/2011.

It was 108 degrees here in Phoenix.


It’s All Greek to Me

So one of the things I miss about the Buffalo area is the plethora of Greek diners. The Towne in the heart of Allentown was always a good choice. Pano’s (which was a hole in the wall when I first went there) is another  decent one.

An old girlfriend of mine used to joke that you had to earn Pano’s via a night at the Continental (The Goo Goo Dolls before they were even remotely famous and started to both suck and be obnoxious personally – some of us knew you back when, Johnny), The Jam Club, Nietzche’s, some place over by Chippewa and Washington that closed down whose name I can’t remember but went to a bunch of times and saw some bizarre behavior at  including a My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult show that was…weird.

Christo’s Family Restaurant  in the Falls was a serious dive with great food, and right over near my mechanic. Olympia up on Niagara Falls Blvd. was where we’d go for breakfast on the weekends in large groups.

Evidently there are decent Greek restaurants around here, just not on every street corner. We have friends who claim there’s a great little dive type place near them, I need to ask about it again. And another friend took us to a place near his house that I went back to today while driving from one campus to another – Cyprus Grill over on Camelback. Tasty, it was – I’ll go back.

If only they did breakfast…I miss a good souvlaki and homefries breakfast with scrambled eggs doused in Tabasco.

It’s For the Kittens!

I like how this fellow thinks.

This is Why I Love Reading Tam

I had a day just like this yesterday, but for the life of me wouldn’t be able to describe it so succinctly and snarkily.

I’m Sure It’s All Just A Coincidence

Key witness in Tulsa police trial arrested on traffic misdemeanors
Five Tulsa police officers - including one who accidentally fired 
his weapon - served misdemeanor traffic warrants and arrested a 
key witness Thursday in a police corruption lawsuit against the city. 

The officer who fired his weapon is under internal investigation, 
and police refused to release his name. 

Kelie D. Barnes, 32, was arrested Thursday on outstanding municipal 
warrants, Tulsa Jail records show. 

Barnes' warrants are all misdemeanors involving failure to wear a 
seat belt, expired tag, no proof of insurance, no driver's license 
and speeding, according to jail records. 

A total of nine municipal warrants were issued in August and 
September for citations dating back to 2007, municipal court 
records show. 

Several warrants were issued Aug. 22, about two weeks after 
Barnes testified as a witness for prosecutors during a police 
corruption trial. Other warrants were issued Sept. 15, records show.
Surely those warrants were ready to be issued long before she became 
involved in this case, I have no doubt </sarcasm>.


Since Og asked, here is the model I always have with me. A CRKT Desert Cruiser.

More Media Matters Astroturfing

Or at least more attempts to disseminate what can only be called propaganda via the internet. This is from a local to me waaaayyyyyy-to-the-left blog I follow so as to be sure I keep apprised  of what the other side of the aisle is saying (and to whom I will not link, as I don’t feel obligated to provide them with more hits – if you want the link leave me a comment or email me).

“The NRA Board of Directors: time for a little sunlight”

“A new website, Who is on the NRA Board?, from the the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, highlights backgrounds of the members of the Board of Directors.”

“However, the majority of NRA board members have public profiles that a low or nonexistent outside of the gun culture.  Still, they have an outsized influence on politics and legislation, especially in comparison to average citizens.

In many cases, they have more political influence than most of their more well-known colleagues – with the notable exception of Grover Norquist.

Here in Arizona, we have seen prime examples of that phenomenon in action.”

And, the most important part:

This post is written as part of the Media Matters Gun Facts fellowship. The purpose of the fellowship is to further Media Matters’ mission to comprehensively monitor, analyze, and correct conservative misinformation in the U.S. media. Some of the worst misinformation occurs around the issue of guns, gun violence, and extremism, the fellowship program is designed to fight this misinformation with facts.

I’ve seen several posts on this particular blog about firearms-related items, all solidly on the gun control side, with that tag line so it is clearly part of a concerted effort by the Joyce Foundation-bought-and-paid-for-Media Matters folks to create the appearance of a grass roots effort. I have to wonder if somebody at this particular blog hasn’t snagged some of those SorosBucks.