Category Archives: Funny

Always Check Your Six

Hannah Hart Chokes Hard On At Midnight

is still funny but maybe needs to stop trying to monetize her web presence.


It’s Funny Because It’s True, Episode Somethingorother

I Normally Don’t Care

for someone else’s analysis of a television show. I don’t watch The Talking Dead specifically because I have zero interest in hearing what those twits have to say about a show I JUST FREAKIN’ WATCHED.

But io9 does at times have something entertaining to say about The Walking Dead, and this week was one of them.

Of course, Lizzie, the more psychotic member of the Carol Corps, sees a pretty simple solution to this problem…. Lizzie just puts her hand over Judith’s mouth and nose… Lizzie’s just having a great time smothering this baby….Lizzie’s last name is Borden, apparently!

Carol saved them! It’s definitely a Carol ex Machina…

I thought it was entirely plausible that Walking Dead would kill Glenn off-screen, turn him into a Walker, and force Maggie to stab him in the head as an almost involuntary reaction to him lunging at her. That sounded just brutal and awful enough to be right up Walking Dead‘s alley….But for that insanely long take of Maggie where she’s crying after the stabbing, I expected to the camera to cut to zombie-Glenn with a knife in his head at any second.

And no one needlessly risked his or her life in order to eat a million pounds of canned pudding!

Funny stuff. “Carol ex machina” – I’m stealing that.

Governmentally Acceptable Holiday Decoration

for the rest of us…


I’m a fan. Not in the “must have freshly ground beans (ground to the right consistency, mind you) that were roasted yesterday and brewed in a Japanese pour over rig/Chemex?Aeropress with water at just the right temperature and steeped just *so* long” type (I’m looking at you, Cartel). But I’m a fan. I have 2 different types of french press and an old Krups Moka 468-42 low-pressure steam coffee maker on my counter, so I take it a little seriously.

But I do believe that if you can’t enjoy any coffee, from the best fussy crap I mentioned above to the finest camp coffee made with waaayyyyy hot boiling water in whatever vessel you can find over an open fire with grounds poured straight into it and then left for half an hour, then you aren’t really a fan. Coffee snobs are wasting my time – it’s COFFEE, FFS.

That being said – how is it that the Pike Place roast drip coffee I get at every Starbucks (there I said it – I frequent Starbucks; I like consistency) is more bitter and less flavorful than the presumably same coffee I get made at the little food service cafe right next to my library on campus? Sure, the equipment is different and the beans at the Starbucks store are probably fresherandgroundthatdayandroastedthatweekandohtheendlesssnobberypleasejustshootmenowImayaswellarguewithteaafficiandos…but shouldn’t that make it *better*, not worse?

Ah well. It’s all coffee, which means it’s all good.

Let’s Run Down The List

Hipster hat? Check.

Tinted glasses? Check.

Plaid shirt, worn open, with cryptic graphic tee underneath? Check.

Fingerless gloves? Check.

Digicam MOLLE pack full of…? Check.

Fashion statement trying to be made? I have no idea. I don’t get young people.

Get Off My Lawn.


Because I could use funny right now.


Insert Laughter Here.

Greenpeace crew members detained in Russian jails for two months over their open-sea protest against Arctic oil drilling are “close to shock” over their conditions, a rights activist said Tuesday.

The 30 detained are being held in pre-trial detention centres in the cities of Murmansk and Apatity, which are nearly 2,000 kilometres (1,250 miles) north of Moscow and above the Arctic Circle.

All but four of the activists are non-Russians from countries including Britain, the United States, Finland and Argentina.

Russia has jailed the activists from Greenpeace’s Arctic Sunrise protest ship without charge pending an investigation into alleged piracy, after several scaled a state-owned oil rig on September 18.

The activists have complained of cold cells and a lack of suitable clothing and food, said Irina Paikacheva, the head of a state-connected regional prisoners’ rights watchdog.

“Many of them are in a state close to shock,” she told AFP after visiting the prisoners. “They had never expected that they would face such consequences for their peaceful protest in a democratic state.”

The foreign detainees are struggling to make themselves understood since virtually none of the prison staff speaks English, she said. One of the activists has consulted a psychologist.

Several of the foreign nationals have been placed in cells with Russians even though this breaches Russian law, Paikacheva added.

A Polish activist is sharing a cell with four Russians, while one of the British activists has two Russian cellmates, both accused of robbery.

Several non-smoking activists also complain of being placed in cells with chain-smokers.

Greenpeace spokesman Aaron Gray-Block said in e-mailed comments that several of the detained activists “need prescription medication”.

“A number of others are taking over the counter medications such as paracetamol for problems such as mild arthritis and back pain,” he said.

A young Finnish female activist is a vegan and unable to eat prison food, Paikacheva said, adding that prison officials had denied her request for vitamins to be delivered to her.

Under Russian law, prisoners have to hand in their watches and wear shoes without laces. The Finnish activist lacks a thyroid gland and needs to take medicine regularly — hard to do without a watch.

“They had never expected that they would face such consequences for their peaceful protest in a democratic state.

Let that sink in.

“…detained in Russian jails…”

“…in a democratic state.


Succinctly Put

Via American Mercenary:

Whole Foods on the other hand, breeds an air of Apple owning, Prius driving, vote for any chick with a D on the ballot, organic is healthier, wish I could live in Europe liberal hipster douchebags who would serve the world better as mulch.

I’ve noticed as much.